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Version: 2.0

Update Corpus API Definition

The Update Corpus API lets you enable or disable a corpus. This is useful to manage the availability of data within the system, such as when you need to take the corpus offline without having to delete the corpus.

This capability can help you utilize automated scripts to programmatically control the availability of corpora based on certain conditions. For example, quickly disable a corpus for maintenance updates or in response to security incidents.


Check out our interactive API Reference that lets you experiment with this REST endpoint to enable or disable corpora.

Update Corpus Request and Response

To update a corpus, send a PATCH request to /v2/corpora/{corpus_key}, where {corpus_key} is the unique identifier for the corpus you want to update. The request body specifies the enabled as true or false. If not specified, the corpus remains in its current state. The filter_attributes parameter lets you update the name, level (document or part), description, whether the corpus is indexed, and the value type.


Update Corpus REST Endpoint Address

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to enable or disable a corpus:

The API Reference shows the full Update Corpus REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full Update Corpus Enablement gRPC definition at admin.proto.