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Version: 2.0

Replace Filter Attributes API Definition

The Replace Filter Attributes API lets you replace the filter attributes of a corpus. Filter attributes enable metadata filtering on the corpus and they are defined as an array of filter_attribute objects.

  • name - Specifies the JSON path of the filter attribute in the document or part metadata.
  • level - Indicates whether the filter attribute is at the document or part level.
  • description - Provides an optional description of the filter attribute.
  • indexed - Indicates whether an index should be created for the filter attribute to improve query performance.
  • type: Specifies the data type of the filter attribute as integer, real_number, text, or boolean.


Replace Filter Attributes REST Endpoint

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to replace filter attributes:

The API Reference shows the full Replace Filter Attributes REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full Replace Filter Attributes gRPC definition at admin.proto.