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Version: 2.0

Metadata Filters

In many search scenarios, retrieving all available documents is not enough to meet the your business needs. It may be necessary to narrow the query results to documents with specific, granular attributes. This is where metadata filters can help you by applying precise conditions to your queries.

Metadata filter expressions are attached to queries, or more formally, to their corpus keys. These filter expressions serve to restrict the search to only the part of the corpus that matches the expression. In both form and function, they are a simpler version of a WHERE clause's search condition in ANSI SQL, see §7.6.

A filter expression operates on the metadata attached to documents that are indexed in Vectara. Because you can associate this metadata to either the entire document, or to specific parts within it, the scope must be explicitly specified for every metadata reference in the expression.

Document-level and part-level filtering

Metadata can be associated with the entire document (document-level) or specific sections of the document (part-level). These valid scopes are doc. and part., for document and part-level metadata, respectively. When indexing data in Vectara, you associate metadata at these levels:

  • Document-level scope
    • Applied across the entire document. Use document-level filtering for metadata that does not vary and remains consistent across the whole document.
    • Examples:
      • = 'John Doe' and doc.publication_year > 2024
      • doc.publication_date >= '2023-01-01' AND doc.publication_date < '2024-01-01' AND doc.category IN ('Technology', 'Science')
  • Part-level scope
    • Applied to specific sections or chunks within a document. Use part-level filtering when properties vary within different parts of the document.
    • Examples
      • part.section = 'Introduction'
      • part.clause_type = 'Liability' AND part.risk_level = 25 AND part.is_boilerplate = false

To learn more about setting up filterable metadata review the filter attribute section of the corpus creation documentation.

Use cases for metadata filtering

Language-specific sections

Multilingual documents may have different sections in different languages. The following filter expression selects customer reviews in German with better than a 3-star rating. Note that while there is a single rating for the entire document, the detected language is set at the part level.

doc.rating > 3.0 AND part.lang = 'deu'

The lang metadata tag used in this example is detected and set automatically by the platform at indexing time. It's set at the part level for accuracy, because a single document may contain content in multiple languages.

Date-specific documents

More complicated expressions are possible, such as the one below, which checks for documents with a publication date in 2021.

1609459200 < doc.pub_epoch AND doc.pub_epoch < 1640995200

Here, pub_epoch stores the date in epoch time.

You can find a full list of supported operations on the Functions and Operators page, and a full list of how to specify literals on Data Types.

Filtering based on document status

For auditing purposes, you may want to limit results to documents marked as Published instead of Draft:

doc.status = 'Published'

Example query with a document-level filter

This example asks the question "What are the key benefits of cloud computing?" from the Cloud Computing References corpus. Within the corpora object, we specified a metadata_filter to filter though published documents with "metadata_filter": "doc.status = 'Published'",

curl -X POST \
-H "customer-id: 123456789" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ...nMRNknvg" \ \
-d @- <<END;
"query": "What are key benefits of cloud computing?",
"search": {
"corpora": [
"corpus_key": "Cloud_Computing_References",
"metadata_filter": "doc.status = 'Published'",
"lexical_interpolation": 0.005,
"custom_dimensions": {}
"offset": 0,
"limit": 25,
"context_configuration": {
"sentences_before": 2,
"sentences_after": 2,
"start_tag": "%START_SNIPPET%",
"end_tag": "%END_SNIPPET%"
"reranker": {
"type": "mmr",
"diversity_bias": 0
"stream_response": true,
"generation": {
"prompt_name": "mockingbird-1.0-2024-07-16",
"max_used_search_results": 3,
"prompt_text": "",
"response_language": "eng",
"enable_factual_consistency_score": true

Example response with a document-level filter

The example response returns documents with a "status": "Published", in the document metadata. This response also shows other metadata associated with each document_id.

"type": "search_results",
"search_results": [
"text": "Cloud computing has transformed the IT landscape by offering scalable and flexible resources...",
"score": 0.8154528737068176,
"part_metadata": {
"concept": "Overview",
"process": "Introduction",
"procedure": "1. Outline key benefits; 2. Discuss technological evolution; 3. Highlight future potential",
"reference": "Cloud Computing Foundations",
"is_boilerplate": false,
"title": "Introduction to Cloud Computing",
"lang": "eng",
"offset": 267,
"len": 161
"document_metadata": {
"category": "Technology",
"status": "Published",
"published": "2024-01-01",
"author": "Jane Doe",
"audience": "IT Professionals",
"doc_length": "extensive",
"title": "Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Computing",
"desc": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution, service models..."
"document_id": "CC-2024-TECH"
"text": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution, service models...",
"score": 0.7818809151649475,
"part_metadata": {
"concept": "Overview",
"process": "Introduction",
"procedure": "1. Outline key benefits; 2. Discuss technological...",
"reference": "Cloud Computing Foundations",
"is_boilerplate": false,
"title": "Introduction to Cloud Computing",
"lang": "eng",
"offset": 0,
"len": 111
"document_metadata": {
"category": "Technology",
"status": "Published",
"published": "2024-01-01",
"author": "Jane Doe",
"audience": "IT Professionals",
"doc_length": "extensive",
"title": "Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Computing",
"desc": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution..."
"document_id": "CC-2024-TECH"
// Additional results would appear here

Example query with part-level metadata

Now let's send a query with part-level meta for part.concept = 'Overview'.

We will only change the metadata_filter value from the previous example so that it filters for this part-level metadata:

"corpora": [
"corpus_key": "Cloud_Computing_References",
"metadata_filter": "part.concept = 'Overview'",
"lexical_interpolation": 0.005,
"custom_dimensions": {}

Example response with part-level metadata

"type": "search_results",
"search_results": [
"text": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution...",
"score": 0.8265947103500366,
"part_metadata": {
"concept": "Overview",
"process": "Introduction",
"procedure": "1. Outline key benefits; 2. Discuss technological evolution; 3. Highlight future potential",
"reference": "Cloud Computing Foundations",
"is_boilerplate": false,
"title": "Introduction to Cloud Computing",
"lang": "eng",
"offset": 0,
"len": 111
"document_metadata": {
"category": "Technology",
"status": "Published",
"published": "2024-01-01",
"author": "Jane Doe",
"audience": "IT Professionals",
"doc_length": "extensive",
"title": "Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Computing",
"desc": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution, service models..."
"document_id": "DD-2024-TECH"
"text": "This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth introduction to the fundamental principles...",
"score": 0.8091028928756714,
"part_metadata": {
"concept": "Overview",
"process": "Introduction",
"procedure": "1. Outline key benefits; 2. Discuss technological evolution; 3. Highlight future potential",
"reference": "Cloud Computing Foundations",
"is_boilerplate": false,
"title": "Introduction to Cloud Computing",
"lang": "eng",
"offset": 429,
"len": 179
"document_metadata": {
"category": "Technology",
"status": "Published",
"published": "2024-01-01",
"author": "Jane Doe",
"audience": "IT Professionals",
"doc_length": "extensive",
"title": "Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Computing",
"desc": "An in-depth exploration of cloud computing, covering its evolution, service models..."
"document_id": "DD-2024-TECH"
// Additional results would appear here