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Version: 2.0

Functions and Operators

Most operators in Vectara have the same precedence and are left-associative. You need to use parenthesis to enforce a different precedence.

The following table indicates the supported operators and their precedence (highest to lowest). Non-binary operators do not specify associativity.

+, --unary plus and minus
*, /, %leftmultiplication, division, modulo
+, -leftaddition, subtraction
<, <=, >, >=leftcomparison
=, ==, !=, <>leftcomparison
IN-range containment
NOT-logical negation
ANDleftlogical conjunction
ORleftlogical disjunction

These operators provide a powerful way to filter and retrieve documents. By using them effectively, users can create complex queries to find the most relevant documents for their specific use cases. Let's look at these operators in more detail:

Unary plus and minus operators (+, -)

The unary plus and minus operators indicate a positive or negative numeric value. Use when you need to filter documents based on numeric fields that can have both positive and negative values, such as scores, ratings, or temperatures.

For example, filter documents with a score greater than (or less than) specific scores with the positive or negative sign:

  • Unary plus - Filter documents with a score greater than positive 10:

    doc.score > 10

  • Unary minus - Filter documents with a score less than negative 5:

    doc.score < -5

Multiplication, division, and modulo operators (*, / %)

These operators perform mathematical operations on numeric values to multiply, divide, and find the remainder of a value. Use when involving calculating prices with taxes, determining the number of pages or items per group, or finding documents with specific numeric patterns.

For example use multiplication to filter on price, total pages, and page count to find odd or even numbers.

  • Multiplication - Filters documents where the price increased by 10% is greater than 100:

    doc.price * 1.1 > 100

  • Division - Filters documents where the total number of pages divided by 10 is less than 20:

    doc.totalpages / 10 < 20

  • Modulo - Filters documents where the page count is divisible by 3:

    doc.pagecount % 3 = 0

Addition and subtraction operators (+, -)

These addition and subtraction operators perform arithmetic operations on numeric values. Use for tasks like adjusting scores or prices based on specific criteria or comparing values with a certain threshold.

For example, filter on scores above a specific number or prices after discount.

  • Addition - Filters documents where the score plus 10 is greater than or equal to 80:

    doc.score + 10 >= 80

  • Subtraction - Filters documents where the price minus the discount is less than or equal to 50:

    doc.price - <= 50

Less and greater comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=)

These comparison operators are used to filter documents based on specific conditions. Use for a wide range of use cases, such as finding documents within a certain price range, date range, or any other numeric or comparable values.

For example, filter on prices below a specific number, ratings below a threshold, publish dates after a specific date, and scores above a specific number.

  • Less than (<) - Filters documents where the price is less than 100:

    doc.price < 100

  • Less than or equal to (<=) - Filters documents where the rating is less than or equal to 4.5:

    doc.rating <= 4.5

  • Greater than (>) - Filters documents published after January 1, 2022:

    doc.publishdate > '2022-01-01'

  • Greater than or equal to (>=) - Filters documents with a score greater than or equal to 80:

    doc.score >= 80

Equality and inequality operators (=, ==, !=, <>)

These comparison operators check for equality or inequality for each side of the function. Use for filtering documents based on specific values of fields, such as categories, statuses, or names.

For example, filter on a specific category or status, or filter all except for that category.

  • Equals (= or ==) - Filters documents where the category is "Technology" or the status is "active":

    doc.category = 'Technology' or doc.status == 'active'

  • Does not equal to (!= or <>) - Filters documents where the category is neither "Sports" or "Entertainment":

    doc.category != 'Sports' or doc.category <> 'Entertainment'

NULL comparison operators (IS NULL, IS NOT NULL)

These operators check whether or not a value is NULL (empty or missing). Use for filtering documents based on the presence or absence of values in specific fields.

For example, filter on no author or only data that has a description.

  • Value is null - Filters documents where the author field is empty or missing: IS NULL

  • Value is not null - Filters documents where the description field has a value:

    doc.description IS NOT NULL

Range containment operator (IN)

The IN operator checks if a value is within a specified set. Use for filtering documents based on multiple possible values for a field, such as categories, tags, or statuses.

For example, filter on two specific categories or statuses.

  • Value is in a category - Filters documents where the category is either "Science" or "History":

    doc.category IN ('Science', 'History')

  • Value is a particular status - Filters documents where the status is either "active" or "pending":

    doc.status IN ('active', 'pending')

Negation operator (NOT)

The NOT operator is used to negate a condition, returning documents that do not match the specified criteria. Use for excluding certain documents based on specific field values.

For example, filter on everything but a specific category or below a certain score.

  • Value is not in a specific category - Filters documents where the category is not "Technology":

    NOT (doc.category = 'Technology')

  • Value is not less than a score of 50 - Filters documents where the score is greater than or equal to 50:

    NOT (doc.score < 50)

Conjunction operator (AND)

The AND operator combines multiple conditions, requiring all conditions to be true. Use for narrowing down search results based on multiple factors.

For example, filter on score and publish date ranges, or on a specific category and author.

  • Specify score and publish date - Filters documents with a score greater than 80 and published after January 1, 2022:

    doc.score > 80 AND doc.publishdate > '2022-01-01'

  • Specify category and author - Filters documents where the category is "Technology" and the author is "John Smith":

    doc.category = 'Technology' AND = 'John Smith'

Logical disjunction (OR)

The OR operator combines multiple conditions, requiring at least one condition to be true. Use for broadening search results based on multiple possible values.

For example, filter on documents with one of two specific categories or documents that either active or above a certain score.

  • Specify one of two possible categories - Filters documents where the category is either "Technology" or "Business":

    doc.category = 'Technology' OR doc.category = 'Business'

  • Specify one of two attributes - Filters documents where the status is "active" or the score is greater than 90:

    doc.status = 'active' OR doc.score > 90

Operator combinations

Combining different operators enables you to create more specific filtering conditions. By using parentheses and combining these operators in different ways, you can effectively narrow or broaden your query results to find the most relevant documents. The following examples show combinations such as "IN and AND," "NOT and AND," "OR and "AND," and "Not and IN and AND."

  • Specify one of two possible categories and a published year - Filters documents where the category is either "Science" or "Technology" AND the published year is greater than 2020:

    doc.category IN ('Science', 'Technology') AND doc.publishedyear > 2020

  • Value is NOT a status and category - Filters documents that are both NOT in the "draft" status AND "Technology" category:

    NOT (doc.status = 'draft' AND doc.category = 'Technology)

  • Specify a status or qualified score - Filters documents where the status is "active" or the score is greater than 90 as long as the status is also "pending":

    doc.status = 'active' OR (doc.status = 'pending' AND doc.score > 90)

  • Value is not in a category and with a specific score - Filters documents that are NOT in the "Sports" or "Entertainment" category AND have a score greater than or equal to 50:

    NOT (doc.category IN ('Sports', 'Entertainment') AND doc.score >= 50)

  • Specify one of two possible categories after a date and with a specific status - Filters documents where the category is either "Business" or "Finance", the publish date is after January 1, 2022, AND the status is "published":

    doc.category IN ('Business', 'Finance') AND doc.publishdate > '2022-01-01' AND doc.status = 'published'