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Version: 2.0

Manage Payments

The Billing page provides information about your product usage and current plan. For example, if you signed up for a trial, this page says that your current plan is Free Trial and when the trial ends.

The Usage tab shows the resource usage for the current period, such as the number of requests. It also shows charges and billing history.

The Current plan tab shows an overview about your plan, such as the amount of data storage and number of queries. This tab also shows your Billing details where you can edit the billing contact details and your payment method.

The Upgrade tab shows the available subscription plans such as Standard, Pro, Enterprise, VPC, and On-prem. It also lets you compare plans.

Update payment information

Follow the steps below to update the payment information for your account.

  1. Ensure that you are logged in as a user with either the Billing Admin or Account Owner role.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Billing. If you do not see this option, you may lack the required privileges. Contact the account owner to grant you Billing Admin access.
  3. If you signed up for a trial, select Purchase a plan and provide your credit card information to upgrade. Alternatively, select Current plan and scroll to the Billing details section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Add credit card to update your payment information.
  5. Enter your payment details, and click Update. A confirmation pop up message indicates that the payment method has been updated.

Congratulations! You have successfully updated the payment method and your payments going forward will be processed with it.