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Version: 2.0

Update App Client API Definition

The Update App Client API lets you update the description and assigned API roles of an App Client.

Update App Client Request and Response

To update an App Client, send a PATCH request to /v2/app_clients/{app_client_id}, where {app_client_id} is the ID of the App Client you want to update. The request body should contain the following properties:

  • description - Specifies the new description for the App Client.
  • api_roles - Specifies the new roles to associate with the App Client, including owner, administrator, billing_administrator, or corpus_administrator.

The response includes an AppClient object that shows the modified description and API roles. Any unset properties on the update app client request will result no changes for that property.


Update App Client Endpoint Address

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to update an app client:

The API Reference shows the full Update App Client REST definition.