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Version: 1.0

Corpus Query Configuration Options

The Query tab lets you experiement with different search, summarization, and chat options. Whether you want to retrieve relevant information, generate summaries grounded in facts with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), or engage in conversational interactions, the Query tab offers a range of options. Explore these options and configurations to find the approach that best suits your needs.

Search Your Data

One of the primary uses for the Query tab is to search and retrieve relevant information from your corpus and you have two options.

  1. Semantic Search: This option allows you to perform semantic searches based on natural language queries. Vectara's advanced algorithms understand the meaning and context of your queries, enabling accurate and relevant search results.
  2. Summarized Semantic Search: Extending the Semantic Search functionality, this option uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to provide concise summaries in response to your queries. This can be particularly useful when you need a overview of the relevant information within your data.

Both search options provide various configuration settings to fine-tune the search experience

Engage in Conversations with Your Data

The Chat option allows you to engage in conversational interactions with your data. This can be particularly useful when you need to ask follow-up questions, clarify information, or explore your data in a more interactive manner.

Chat leverages the same underlying search and summarization capabilities as the other options, but presents the results in a conversational format, making it easier to maintain context and engage in multi-turn interactions.

Customize the Retrieval Experience

Vectara provides various configuration settings to tailor the experience to your specific needs:

Configure retrieval

The retrieval configuration lets you enable hybrid search by adjusting the lambda value, which is a balance between neural search and keyword search. The reranking option lets you rerank orders of search results and Scale users can use the Maximum Marginal Relevance (MMR) Reranker with a diversity factor to reduce bias.

Configure retrieval drawer

Configure search filters

Select Filters to enter a filter expression or select filter attributes to further refine your search results. We provide some syntax examples in the drawer.

Configure search filters

Configure evaluation

The Factual Consistency Score automatically evaluates and detects hallucinations in generated output. This calibrated score can range from 0.0 to 1.0. A higher score indicates a greater probability of being factually accurate, while a lower score indicates a greater probability of hallucinations.

Configure evaluation

Show API Request and Response

While you experiment with these different search options and configurations, you can click Show API request to see the underlying API request and response.