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Version: 2.0

List Users API Definition

The List Users API lets you list all users on your team and also their corpus access and customer-level authorizations.

Other activities such as adding, deleting, enabling, disabling, resetting passwords, and editing user roles are performed by the Manage Users endpoint.

List Users Request and Response

To list users, send a GET request to /v2/users. You can specify optional query parameters to control the pagination of the results.

  • limit - Indicates the maximum number of users to return in a single request, with a default value of 10 and a maximum value of 100.
  • page_key - Retrieves the next page of results when the previous request has reached the limit.

The response contains an array of user objects with the users and metadata about the pagination.


List Users Endpoint Address

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to list users:

The API Reference shows the full List Users REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full List Users gRPC definition at admin_user.proto.