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Version: 2.0

Update document, merging the metadata.



Updates document identified by its unique document_id from a specific corpus. The request body metadata is merged with the existing metadata, adding or modifying only the specified fields.


Path Parameters

    corpus_key CorpusKeyrequired

    Possible values: <= 50 characters, Value must match regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_\=\-]+$

    The unique key identifying the corpus with the document to update.

    document_id stringrequired

    The document ID of the document to update. This document_id must be percent encoded.

Header Parameters

    Request-Timeout integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The API will make a best effort to complete the request in the specified seconds or time out.

    Request-Timeout-Millis integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The API will make a best effort to complete the request in the specified milliseconds or time out.


    metadata object

    The metadata for a document as an arbitrary object. Properties of this object can be used by document level filter attributes.

    property name* any

    The metadata for a document as an arbitrary object. Properties of this object can be used by document level filter attributes.


Successfully updated the document.

    id string

    The document ID.

    metadata object

    The document metadata.

    property name* any

    The document metadata.

    tables object[]

    The tables that this document contains. Tables are not available when table extraction is not enabled.

  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique ID of the table within the document.

    title string

    The title of the table.

    data object

    The data of the table.

    headers array[]

    The headers of the table.

    rows array[]

    The rows in the data.

    description string

    The description of the table.

  • ]
  • parts object[]

    Parts of the document that make up the document. However, parts are not available when retrieving a list of documents or when creating a document. This property is only available when retrieving a document by ID.

  • Array [
  • text stringrequired

    The text of the document part.

    metadata object

    The metadata for a document part. These may be used in metadata filters at query time if filter attributes are configured on the corpus.

    property name* any

    The metadata for a document part. These may be used in metadata filters at query time if filter attributes are configured on the corpus.

    context string

    The context text for the document part.

    custom_dimensions object

    The custom dimensions as additional weights.

    property name* double
  • ]
  • storage_usage object

    How much storage the document used. This information is currently not returned when retrieving the document, and only returned when indexing a document.

    bytes_used int64

    Number of bytes used by document counting towards maximum corpus size, and towards any billing plans.

    metadata_bytes_used int64

    Number of metadata bytes used by a document.

    extraction_usage object

    How much extraction quota the document used. This information is currently not returned when retrieving the document, and only returned when indexing a document.

    table_extraction_used int64

    The number of pages from the document that consumed the extraction quota.
