Create, manage, and update corpora and their associated settings for administration purposes
📄️ Create a corpus
Create a corpus, which is a container to store documents and associated metadata.
📄️ List corpora
List corpora in the account. The corpus objects that are returned are less
📄️ Retrieve metadata about a corpus
Get metadata about a corpus. This operation is not a method of searching a corpus.
📄️ Delete a corpus and all its data
Delete a corpus and all the data that it contains.
📄️ Update a corpus
Enable, disable, or update the name and description of a corpus. This lets you
📄️ Remove all documents and data in a corpus
Resets a corpus, which removes all documents and data from the specified corpus, while keeping the corpus itself.
📄️ Replace the filter attributes of a corpus
Replace the filter attributes of a corpus. This does not happen immediately, but