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Version: 2.0

List the history of previous queries



Retrieve query histories.


Query Parameters

    corpus_key string

    Specifies the corpus_key used in the query.

    started_after date-time

    Queries that started after a particular date-time.

    started_before date-time

    Queries that started before a particular date-time.

    chat_id string

    Specifies the chat_id of the query, this will return all queries in the specified chat.

    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 10

    Specifies the maximum number of query history listed.

    page_key string

    Used to retrieve the next page of query histories after the limit has been reached.

Header Parameters

    Request-Timeout integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The API will make a best effort to complete the request in the specified seconds or time out.

    Request-Timeout-Millis integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    The API will make a best effort to complete the request in the specified milliseconds or time out.


An array of Query Histories.

    queries object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The ID of the query history.

    query string

    The actual query made.

    corpus_key string

    The corpus key that the query was made on.

    started_at date-time

    ISO date time indicating when the query was first received.

    latency_millis integer

    Time that the query took in milliseconds.

    chat_id string

    The unique ID of the chat associated with the query, if this query is part of a chat.

    generation string

    Generated response to the query, if requested.

    factual_consistency_score float

    The factual consistency score of the generation.

  • ]
  • metadata object

    The metadata for the list of query histories.

    page_key string

    A query parameter required when requesting the next page of results.
