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Version: 2.0


This is a complete example of using the platform via REST. For more sample code, including any dependencies this file has, please have a look at our GitHub examples repository. This file can be found in that repo at csharp/rest/RestApiKeyQueries.cs

using CommandLine;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using VectaraExampleCommon;

namespace VectaraExampleRest
/// <summary>
/// A class containing examples about how to use Vectara API using REST and API Key.
/// </summary>
class RestApiKeyQueries
static void Main(string[] args)
_ = Parser.Default.ParseArguments<Args>(args)
.WithParsed<Args>((args) =>
Query(args.CustomerId, args.CorpusId, "Test Query.", args.ApiKey);
catch (Exception ex)
.WithNotParsed<Args>((errs) =>
foreach (Error err in errs)

/// <summary>
/// Queries a Vectara corpus.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId"> The unique customer ID in Vectara platform. </param>
/// <param name="corpusId"> The corpus that needs to be queried. </param>
/// <param name="query"> The query text. </param>
/// <param name="apiKey"> A valid API Key. </param>
/// <throws> Exception if no results are found. </throws>
private static void Query(long customerId, long corpusId, string query, string apiKey)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri($"https://{ServerEndpoints.commonEndpoint}/v1/query"),
Method = HttpMethod.Post,
Dictionary<string, object> queryData = new();
List<object> queryList = new();
List<object> corpusList = new()
new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"customerId", customerId},
{"corpusId", corpusId}
queryList.Add(new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"query", query},
{"numResults", 10},
{"corpusKey", corpusList}

queryData.Add("query", queryList);

string jsonData = JsonSerializer.Serialize(queryData);

request.Content = new StringContent(jsonData);
request.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");

request.Headers.Add("x-api-key", apiKey);
request.Headers.Add("customer-id", customerId.ToString());

HttpResponseMessage response = client.Send(request);
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
JObject resultObj = JObject.Parse(result);
JToken? statusArray = resultObj["status"];
if (statusArray == null)
throw new Exception("No results found");
foreach (var status in statusArray)
JObject statusObj = JObject.Parse(status.ToString());
if (statusObj["code"].ToString() != "OK")
Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Failure status on query: {0}", statusObj["statusDetail"]));
JToken? responseSetArray = resultObj["responseSet"];
if (responseSetArray == null)
throw new Exception("No results found");
foreach (var responseSet in responseSetArray)
JObject responseSetObj = JObject.Parse(responseSet.ToString());
JToken? documents = responseSetObj["document"];

foreach (JToken docSection in responseSetObj["response"])
string text = docSection["text"].ToString();
double score = double.Parse(docSection["score"].ToString());
// doc that this section belongs to
int documentIndex = int.Parse(docSection["documentIndex"].ToString());
JToken doc = documents.ElementAt(documentIndex);
string docId = doc["id"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine("[score:{0:N2}] [docId:{1}] [text:{2}]", score, docId, text);

catch (Exception)