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Version: 2.0

Get an API key



Get an API key


Path Parameters

    api_key_id stringrequired

    The name of the API key.


The API key.

    id string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression aky_.*

    The ID of the API key.

    name string

    The human-readable name of the API key.

    secret_key string

    The key used in API requests. Should be kept secure.

    enabled boolean

    If this API key is enabled.

    api_key_role ApiKeyRole

    Possible values: [serving, serving_and_indexing, personal]

    Role of the API key. A serving API key can only perform query type requests on its corpora. A serving and indexing key can perform both indexing and query type requests on its corpora. A personal API key has all the same permissions as the creator of the API key.

    api_policy object

    What actions a principal can take on the Vectara platform.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the API role.

    allowed_operations objectrequired

    Operations that are allowed by the API role. Each operation may only allow certain resources that are described by a resource path to resource value map. If the value is null, then the operation is allowed on any resource.

    property name* ApiOperationPolicy

    Policy to allow operations if only using the specified resource.

    allow_any_resource booleanrequired

    Default value: true

    If any resource is allowed for the operation.

    allowed_resources object

    Object with keys of resource paths to a list of allowed resources. A resource path starts with either body, path, or implicit. A body or path resource is within the operation body, and an implicit resource is a resource implied by the request.

    property name* string[]
  • Array [
  • string

  • ]