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Version: 2.0

Create an App Client



An App Client is used for OAuth 2.0 authentication when calling Vectara APIs.



    name stringrequired

    Name of the client credentials.

    description string

    Description of the client credentials.

    type stringrequired

    Default value: client_credentials

    This will always be the value client_credentials.

    api_roles ApiRole[]

    Possible values: [owner, administrator, billing_administrator, corpus_administrator]

    API roles that the client credentials will have.


An App Client object, used to query the Vectara API with the assigned roles.

    id string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression app_.+$

    The Vectara App Client ID. This ID is not used during an OAuth flow but the ID used within the Vectara API.

    name string

    The human-readable name of the App Client.

    description string

    Description of the App Client.

    client_id string

    The client ID used with the OAuth flow.

    client_secret string

    The key used in API requests. Should be kept secure.

    api_roles ApiRole[]

    Possible values: [owner, administrator, billing_administrator, corpus_administrator]

    The API roles attached to the App Client.

    api_policy object

    What actions a principal can take on the Vectara platform.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the API role.

    allowed_operations objectrequired

    Operations that are allowed by the API role. Each operation may only allow certain resources that are described by a resource path to resource value map. If the value is null, then the operation is allowed on any resource.

    property name* ApiOperationPolicy

    Policy to allow operations if only using the specified resource.

    allow_any_resource booleanrequired

    Default value: true

    If any resource is allowed for the operation.

    allowed_resources object

    Object with keys of resource paths to a list of allowed resources. A resource path starts with either body, path, or implicit. A body or path resource is within the operation body, and an implicit resource is a resource implied by the request.

    property name* string[]
  • Array [
  • string

  • ]