Chat operations, such as listing and reading conversations
📄️ DeleteConversations
Delete conversations from the chat history corpus. This is useful for data management to help ensure that you maintain data hygiene and support compliance with data retention policies.
📄️ DeleteTurns
Deletes specific turns from a conversation within the chat history corpus. This enables developers to remove inaccurate or inappropriate responses from the conversation history.
📄️ DisableTurns
Disables specific turns from a conversation within the chat history corpus. This is useful for excluding specific turns from a conversation.
📄️ ListConversations
List all the conversations in a specific corpus. This data enables developers to monitor chatbot interactions and understand how users engage with the data. Pagination lets developers navigate through large datasets.
📄️ ReadConversations
Retrieves detailed information about specific conversations. This information enables developers to analyze the flow of user chats and understand the context of interactions, which helps in refining chatbot responses. You can read up to 100 conversations.